An online XML ECG viewer

In this digital world, ECGs still continue to be displayed as images most of the time. A static image is a very poor way to explore the rich information in an ECG. All ECG recording machines now allow the recording to be done in a standardized XML format. This contains the complete data captured at the time of the recording in a digital format. The problem is in viewing the ECG thus recorded. Viewers for these ECGs are difficult to find, proprietary and limited in functionality.

This is a web based viewer for ECGs recorded in the XML format. If you have an ECG recorded as XML, load the file to display the ECG. You can instead view one of the sample ECGs to get an idea of the functionality available. We have also a growing library of ECGs recorded in various conditions which you can explore.

If you load your own ECG, you can use the url to revisit it or share it. The ECG will be available for about 24 hours after which it will be removed. This is very much in the early stages of development, so some features are still incomplete, many other planned features are incomplete. To read more about this software, see the about section.

Designed and created by Raja Selvaraj.